Do the kids in your class groan when you start the video? (especially the boys!)
Do you wish there was a way to get them excited about your class with videos that would really speak to them?
Well, what does speak to them? I bet they would perk up and focus if you were to...
Do an object lesson with eggs splattering everywhere.
Let other kids, their same age, share the Bible story in a creative way.
Take them to Spyence HQ, where a sassy puppet cracks jokes and gives the leaders a hard time.
Watch an activity in the video, then turn off the projector and do it live with your students.
What if you could put all those kid-magnets into one lesson that teaches 1 Peter 5:7 in a way that both the girls AND boys will LOVE?
You can! Send your kids on Spyence Undercover Assignment #1: The Evil Kitties of Doom!
The entire lesson focuses on unpacking 1 Peter 5:7, using short video clips that kids love, mixed with fun interactive teacher-led segments.
And it's all written by a former Walt Disney Imagineer and current full-time Children's Pastor.

Main Point:
"Turn all your worries over to Him. He cares about you."
-1 Peter 5:7 (NIRV)
Check out these samples and ask yourself if your students would love this lesson...
Look at the solution to worry in 1 Peter 5:7, through the lens of a fun story, told by kids, using an egg-smashing object lesson.
Listen in on a conversation between two "kids" who struggle with worry, setting the scene for the lesson...
Review your lesson in a way boys love -- every answer helps our superheroes defend the Spyence Lab from Evil Robots!
And get your kids involved in the lesson during the interactive teacher-led segments (full script provided, plus a training video for the teacher!)
You get everything you need to captivate and thrill your students in this 1-week curriculum, for just $25:
A Teacher's Guide with a full script and complete instructions:
A fun welcome activity.
Discussion ideas.
An object lesson.
Small group questions.
4 Video Segments to illustrate your lesson:
A "Status Update" video that introduces the lesson from the perspective of two kids talking about what worries them (3-minutes), followed by a lesson from Spyence Headquarters about dealing with worry (also 3-minutes)
A "Spyence Bible Truth" video that teaches the main point using a fun story, told by kids, with eggs shattering everywhere (4 minutes)
The "Spyence Vs. Evil Robots" video which reviews the lesson in an interactive way (3 minutes)
The "Shark-Rat-Super-Sisters Bible Memory Verse" video which gets the kids up and moving and teaches the key Bible verse with fun hand motions (4 minutes)
Bonus Content:
A Teacher Training video that walks the teacher through each part of the lesson and demonstrates exactly how to do the welcome activity, object lesson, etc.
A Bloopers video, because kids LOVE blooper videos!
Unique Support: If you have any questions while preparing your lesson, you can text, email, or even call the author, and get help quickly. Try it!
Bring this fun, rich lesson to your church today! Your boys (and girls) will love it!
If any of your kids struggle with worrying about friend issues, sports insecurities, family health concerns, bullying, etc., they need this lesson about turning your worries over to God!
But will your kids pay attention and listen to the lesson?
Well, do they love spying and science, robots and superheroes, sassy puppets, object lessons with plenty of cracked eggs?
If so, then they'll be glued to your teaching in this lesson, we guarantee it!

110 % Satisfaction Guaranteed

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What Others Are Saying About Our Teaching Style

What stands out most to me is the integrity and passion Curt brings and gives to his audience.
110% Satisfaction Guarantee

You take ZERO risk! We take 110% of the risk.
If you don’t absolutely love the curriculum, just use our “no-hassle-no-questions-asked, thanks-for-trying-us, God-bless-your-ministry, we’re-all-just-working-to-share-the-Gospel-together” 110% money-back guarantee within 30 days.
That means you get a complete refund, PLUS 10% of the purchase price, so you literally have nothing to lose!
Don't miss this chance to connect with the boys in your class!
Try this Spyence Undercover Assignment for one week, and see how your kids react.
If they love it - great! You might want to follow it up with our brand-new 6-week video-based kids' church curriculum unit, Spyence Mission X.
If not - get your money back, plus 10% just for trying it!

P.S. Just think what a HERO you'll be to the parents when the boys leave your class super-excited, telling their parents about the egg-smashing story that teaches us not to worry, but to trust in God instead, because He cares about us!