Looking for an Egg-ceptional Kids Gospel Video To Share At Your Church? See if this doesn’t make you laugh out loud – Click the play button…
[youtube id=”9DXQ8Iq1SuQ” height=”360″ width=”640″]
Isn’t that fun? If you think so, click this download button to share the video at your church:
How can you make sure you hold the attention of the kids in your ministry while you share the Good News?
Would it help if the message was…
Shared by other kids?
In the form of a story?
While smashing eggs?
You bet it would – it’s like the Holy Grail of Gospel kids videos! 🙂
You can download the video in 4 DIFFERENT VERSIONS — 3, 5, 10, or 15 minutes — so this super-fun Gospel presentation will definitely fit into your lesson plan. And you can download it in two different formats – MP4 and WMV – so you know it will work with your technology.
So get it to share with the kids in your ministry (or in “big” church — the adults love it, too!):
Turn The Video Into A Complete Children’s Church Lesson
Here’s how: Just download this lesson from the Kidologist, Karl (“The George Clooney of Children’s Pastors”) Bastian. You can find it on his website right here. Thanks for letting us share this kids’ Gospel video and lesson, Pastor Karl!
Some Thoughts On Discussing The Gospel With Your Students
More than anything, I hope the Gospel message comes through this kids church video clearly, in a way that elementary-aged kids can understand. After sharing the video, you might want to make sure they grasped the main points, such as…
- Your salvation doesn’t depend on if you do more good things than bad things. It doesn’t depend on how often you go to church or read the Bible, or anything else you do.
- We all do bad things – that’s called sin. And sin separates us from God. So it doesn’t matter if we do good things, too – we’re still sinners
and we’re still separated from God. - And God is so perfect and holy, He couldn’t ignore our sins. No, God had to fix our sin problem somehow in order to restore our friendship with Him. So that’s what He did.
- He came down to earth and lived as a man named Jesus. He didn’t have any sins of his own to get in trouble for, so he volunteered to get in trouble for our sins. He died on a cross and took the punishment for our sins. He got in trouble for our sins so that we wouldn’t have to.
- In John 6:47, Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, everyone who believes has eternal life.” So if you believe in Jesus, then you have eternal life. Believing in Jesus means trusting that He got in trouble for your sins so that you can go to heaven. Even better, you’re a part of God’s family, forever. You’re friends with God, forever. Nothing can ever separate you from God’s love.
That’s the good news that I was trying to communicate in this little kids’ Gospel video. I hope it comes through loud and clear! If you have any suggestions for sharing the Gospel more clearly, send me a note through the contact page.
Okay, That’s Good News, But How Does It Apply To How We Live As Christians Today?
- It gives us confidence in our day-to-day lives. We can know that God loves us, even when we fail Him. In Philip Yancey’s book, “What’s So Amazing About Grace,” he defines grace like this – “There’s nothing you can do to make God love you more. And there’s nothing you can do to make God love you less.” (You can read more about it here.) Isn’t that cool? God loves you just the way you are. Tere’s nothing you can do as one of God’s children to earn that love, and there’s nothing you can do to lose that love.
- But this doctrine does a lot more than just make us feel good. When we consider the free gift of God’s grace and forgiveness, how could we not be motivated to love and worship Him? We don’t have to waste one single drop of energy worrying about whether God loves us or not, so we can use ALL of our strength and energy to serve Him!
- And isn’t that a great message for the youth (and parents) at your church to hear? Download this media resource for your kids to watch in large group, and then teach the heart out of this amazing truth — it’s nothing less than life-changing! Or you can show it during small groups, and let your small group leaders celebrate this wonderful truth with their kids.
Finally… Please Share This Kids Gospel Video!
Pass it on to anyone you think could use it in their classes. Just click here to share on Facebook, then tag your friends in children’s ministry. Thanks!
And in case you haven’t done it yet – what are you waiting for? Download the video by clicking “download”:
And if you like that video, we’re guessing you’ll LOVE Spyence Headquarters!
Check out the robots, superheroes, dragons, magic, and more, that make up this amazing children’s church curriculum!
Finally, if you’d like to see a TRANSCRIPT of the whole “Gospel Egg” video, we’ve got you covered:
———-begin transcript———-
Come with me on a journey to the faraway land of “Egg-cuador,” a beautiful and where dozens of eggs lived their simple lives much like we do, except they rolled everywhere they went.
But a dark shadow hung over “Egg-cuador” – the curse of the hammer of death, which ended each egg’s life sooner or later with a sudden “ker-smash.”
Some eggs insisted there was a secret way to avoid the curse of the hammer of death, by hiding under the silver shield of indestructibleness. But most eggs tried to not think of the hammer at all.
For example, this is Mr. Egg-nostic. He wasn’t really sure there was a hammer, but one day when he was walking in the park, he saw a T-shaped shadow come over him. He tried to run, but it was too late. His “egg-sistence”… was over.
This was the strongest egg of all the eggs – Arnold Schwartzen-Egg-er. He wasn’t afraid of anything so he actually went to find the hammer, and sure enough, he did. So with a mighty cry, he rushed at the hammer! Turns out he wasn’t so indestructible after all – he was quite “egg-spendable.”
This is Mrs. Over-Easy. She liked the finer things in life – a luxury car, Hulu plus, 6000-count cotton sheets. One night she pulled those sheets over her head, and … Her sleep was “egg-stended” indefinitely.
Now here we have the smartest of all the eggs – Albert EGGstein. He wasn’t afraid of the hammer, because he trusted in his great learning and knowledge to save him. In fact, he was right in the middle of reading a book titled “Hammer Myths and Other Silly Religions” when… wham! Apparently, there are some truths that “egg-ceed” even EGGstein’s IQ.
And look at this guy, all decked out. This is Mr. EGGciting. He had lots and lots of friends and went from party to party dancing like this… One day, doing his favorite dance move, the sprinkler… Wham!
And finally, we have EGGbert. EGGbert realized that egg shells are not very strong, and no match for a hammer.So he searched and found the Silver Shield of Indestructibleness. When the hammer came for him, he took shelter inside and… <survives>
Curt: Okay, Bob, do you see the point of that story?
Bob: Yes, look out for hammers!
Curt: No!
Bob: Go to “Egg-cuador.”
Curt: No, Bob!
Bob: Eat scrambled eggs.
Curt: No, the point is, Jesus is our Silver Shield of Indestructibleness.
Bob: Say what?
Curt: Well, we all live under a curse, too, but it’s not the curse of the hammer of death, it’s the curse of sin.
Bob: Oh, sin is the bad things we do, lying, disobeying our parents, being mean to other dragons,
Curt: Yeah, and the Bible says, “When you sin, the pay you get is death.” That’s spiritual death, or being separated from God forever.
Bob: Ooh, that’s bad.
Curt: But, there is good news…
Bob: There is? We don’t have to be separated from God?
Curt: Nope, the rest of the verse says, “But God gives you the gift of eternal life. That’s because of what Christ Jesus our Lord has done.”
Bob: What has Jesus done?
Curt: Well, remember it’s our sin that separates us from God, so Jesus died on the cross and got in trouble for all of our sins, so that we wouldn’t have to get in trouble for them. Believing in Jesus washes those sins away, so that nothing can keep us apart from God.
Bob: That’s eggs-citing. Get it?
Curt: Yes, I get it.
Bob: EGGS-citing!
Curt: I got it!
And then the out-takes…
———-end transcript———-